I am a programmer and web designer. Since 2009 I work in the IT area. I am a teacher, I have taught various subjects, history, mathematics, science in general and computer science. in fact I love teaching. Although I also work in the area of technical support and maintenance of computer systems. As a web designer and programmer, I work with HTML, CSS and javascript. I am currently specializing in React js. I speak 3 languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish), and at present I study the intermediate module of French, I really adore languages! .. I am a person who has been trained in a self-taught way. I am passionate about astronomy, space science and science in general.
I was in charge of the technical support and systems administration area,network maintenance. I made reports with an institute app. handle sensitive information. institute app maintenance.
I was in charge of the international sales area in digital platforms coordinated the shipment and delivery of merchandise to clients from countries such as the Unitad States, Australia, Ecuador, Argentina, Russia, Uruguay,France, Thailand, Colombia .
training and literacy in technology in rural areas. Courses and training in computing and IT technology. Repair and prevention of damage to systems and installation of hardware and software
training and teaching in IT area.
Teaching physics and math areas and other asignatures such History and English lenaguage.